W. Joseph Campbell

CJR reviews ‘Getting It Wrong’

In Debunking, Media myths, Reviews on May 12, 2010 at 3:34 pm

The May/June number of Columbia Journalism Review contains a fine and insightful review of Getting It Wrong, my forthcoming book that addresses, and debunks, 10 prominent media-driven myths.

James Boylan, the reviewer, writes, perceptively:

“As W. Joseph Campbell shows, there are many ways to misreport. Sometimes it means getting the story wrong in the first place, sometimes misremembering the story, sometimes inflating it later for self-aggrandizement. The author’s ten case studies include examples of each.”

Boylan, who is founding editor of CJR, further writes:

“In each of these cases, the author debunks what is essentially historical hearsay. The value of these studies is less in the answers, which are telegraphed early on, than in the detailed and illuminating research Campbell has applied to each.”


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